OMP Concepts -Understanding Dynamic Equilibrium
Having a baby pass through the pelvis is like putting the key through the keyhole. If the key hole is not aligned, there may be problems of a smooth insertion. The key may get stuck and cause difficulties turning to unlock or even removing the key.
This is where ‘Optimal Maternal Positioning’ (OMP) comes in. Instead of focussing on the position of the key (which Optimal Fetal Positioning focuses on the position of the baby), OMP focuses on creating space within the keyhole (Pelvis).
The analogy of the 'hot-air balloon' originated from Dr Carol Phillips of
As 'bones float inside soft tissues', learn how pelvic alignment enhances pelvic mobility. In this video, you will understand the importance of the pregnant mother maintaining dynamic equilibrium within her 'hot-air balloon' during pregnancy which enables her to have a more comfortable pregnancy and how during labor and birth, it enables the baby's cardinal movements to facilitate labor progress, resulting in an easier birth.
The Hot Air Balloon explained:
The hot-air balloon metaphor is best described as the balloon itself represents the uterus, the basket represents the pelvis and what attaches the balloon to the basket (the strings) represents the soft tissues connecting everything together.
When a woman is pregnant and growing her baby inside her, she has a hot-air balloon within her. This hot-air balloon is continuously doing it’s best to maintain dynamic equilibrium as with a hot-air balloon when it is up in the sky flying along. You won’t necessarily see the hot-air balloon constantly moving to maintain dynamic equilibrium yet under a microscopic view it is always continuously doing it’s best to maintain dynamic equilibrium.
In the same way, when a woman is pregnant and she moves around in her daily activities, her internal Hot Air Balloon is doing it’s best to maintain dynamic equilibrium. What’s really important for women is that when labor begins, that her hot-air balloon is in dynamic equilibrium so it becomes a lot easier for her baby to do it’s rotation through the pelvis. The moment the hot-air balloon is twisted or crooked or off-centre it makes it very difficult for her baby to complete it’s cardinal movements or it’s rotation through the pelvis in order to have a vaginal birth. A lot of women are NOT aware that what they do on a daily basis during pregnancy affects whether or not their hot-air balloon is in dynamic equilibrium or whether it is twisted.
Ultimately, the need to maintain dynamic equilibrium during pregnancy can contribute to a smoother labor and birth.
In order to have pelvic mobility to create space within the keyhole, we first need to have pelvic alignment.
Where things go ‘wrong’ during labor:
Here is WHY the OMP concepts are the most fundamental part of the key going into the keyhole, which in this case is the baby (Key) passing through the pelvis (Key Hole). To understand the importance of the concepts FIRST is extremely important before learning the OMP protocols and pelvic mobility protocols. One of the challenges for most care providers is they understand WHAT to do during labour to support birthing mother’s, yet sometimes don’t fully appreciate WHY they are doing certain movements, exercises or positions. In some cases, a lack of understanding about what helps to align baby within the mother’s pelvis can actually cause more harm through prolonged labor which can often lead to unwanted medical interventions.
Dynamic equilibrium is needed FIRST to bring alignment and mobility within the mother’s pelvis to enable the baby’s cardinal movements to facilitate labour progress.
Now you understand the most important part of your optimal maternal positioning journey we will now take you step by step through HOW you can utilise the protocols below.